Monday, September 21, 2009

Power of Sacrifice United to the Sacrifice of Jesus

"The rejection of Humanae Vitae was pivotal, and it has a great deal to do with the rise of abortion and all the evils that flow from that evil--the basic decomposition of my beloved country and yours and the whole western world is tied into this...if we're engaged in dour combat with the forces of evil...let's fight like we mean it...but don't wait for the bishops to mandate penance. There is nothing stopping you...Every single one of us has a unique, precious, unrepeatable place on the battle line. Don't fail in the better pray like your children's lives depend on better do penance...unite it to the sacrifice of Jesus...To be lifted up on the Cross in Christ is to be set at the pinnacle of human possibilities...You pray! You do penance!...if you have an illness, offer it up! Don't waste it--it's precious...Unite it to Jesus for the salvation of souls. That's what's going to turn the world around--nothing else."
~ Fr. John Corapi ~

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