Friday, September 11, 2009

Dr. Gloria Polo: Warning About Abortion

Dr. Gloria Polo, a wealthy dentist from Columbia, South America, had a near death experience in which she was shown the ways in which she had sinned during her life. After an initial experience of beautiful light at the end of a tunnel and feelings of peace and joy, she found herself running from demons and heading downward in tunnels ending in pitch darkness. The most severe torment in this place of total darkness was the absence of God.
Dr. Polo screamed that she had to be there by mistake because she was a good Catholic. It was revealed to her the many ways she had failed to live a good life according to the Ten Commandments. Her bishop has given permission for her to talk publicly about her experience after our Lord gave her another chance to go back and repeat her story saying:
"You will go back, but you won't repeat this 1000 times. You will repeat it 1000 times 1000. And woe to those who don't change their ways despite having heard you, because they will be judged much more severely...because the worst deafness is that of a man who refuses to hear."
In an interview given more than ten years after her second chance at life, Gloria revealed:
"When we came to the Fifth Commandment, the lord showed me I was a horrible assassin and that I had committed the worst and most abominable in front of His eyes: an abortion. Money empowered me to pay for several abortions because I claimed women had the right to choose when they wanted to become pregnant or not.
"I corrupted minors, that was a horrible sin, compounding abortion. I would tell them not to be innocent. 'Your mothers talk to you about virginity and chastity
because they're outdated. They talk about a 2000 year old Bible but priests have refused to come to terms with the modern world. Your mothers talk about what the Pope says , but the Pope is outdated.'
"Each time the blood of a baby is spilled, it's like a holocaust to Satan. It is a holocaust which hurts and shakes the Lord. In the book of life I saw how our soul is formed the moment the sperm and the egg touch. A beautiful spark is formed, a light beaming from the sun of God the father. As soon as the womb of a mother is impregnated, it lights up with the brightness of that soul. When there is an abortion, that soul screams and moans in pain even if it has no eyes or flesh. When it is being murdered, that cry is heard and heaven shakes and an equally strong cry is heard in hell, but this time of joy. Immediately after that happens, some seals break loose in hell and larvae come out to continue prowling around humankind, keeping it enslaved to the flesh and to all those bad things we see and the worse that will come.
"Because, how many babies are killed on a daily basis? And it is a victory for him. The price of innocent blood releases one more demon each time. I got washed in that blood and my clean soul became absolutely dark. After those abortions, I had no more sense of sinfulness. For me, everything was okay. It was sad to see how all those debts I owed the devil included as well all those babies I had killed myself because I had a copper-T intrauterine device. I painfully saw how many little babies had been created and those suns had burst, with the cry of that baby being torn away from the hands of his father God. No wonder I was always sour and ill-tempered, with a grim face, frustrated with everyone and very depressed. I had become a baby-killing machine!"
Read the interview with Dr. Gloria Polo here.


Anonymous said...

I wish more people would read of your comments pertaining to abortion. What seems obvious to me, which is that abortion is the taking of human life, seems to be lost on many. Perhaps your account would open some eyes. One can hope.

one grateful heart said...

Thank you for your comment. Thanks be to God, this post about the revelations Gloria Polo received concerning abortion is the one most often visited by those who find this blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for posting this. The Lord has put it in my heart years ago to be a witness for pro life. I put a link to this page on facebook.

one grateful heart said...

Thank you for putting a link to this post on facebook! May many be informed, inspired and motivated to help fight this spiritual battle raging in our world today against the unseen forces of evil who seek to destroy the unborn and all of God's children!