Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Father John Corapi Says, " WAKE UP AMERICA! "

The good news is that an unprecedented number of Americans are waking up to the CRITICAL NEED TO ACTIVELY FIGHT the atrocity of abortion in our nation! People who have been pro-life at heart, but quietly so, have heard God's call to join the pro-life veterans on the battlefront for the sake of those ENTRAPPED in the culture of death. These good Samaritans are reaching out by the thousands to be courageous VISIBLE WITNESSES for the Gospel of Life on behalf of all of the victims of this national holocaust. With love for God and neighbor as the solid foundation for their prayer, fasting, and community outreach, America can only be blessed by their efforts!


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Abortion: Fathers' Regrets

In today's 40 Days for Life blog post we learn the heartbreaking story of a father who could not prevent his child's abortion. He is not alone is his grief.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Scientific Facts of Human Genetics

"Science teaches that human life begins at conception. If it is also true that it is affirmed by religion, it does not for that reason cease to be a strictly scientific truth, to be transformed into a religious opinion. He who denies that human life begins with conception does not need to contend with religion, but science. To deny this certainty of biology is not to express a lack of faith, but a lack of basic knowledge of human genetics, something that is even known by the general public."
~Ecuadorian Federation of Societies of Gynecology and Obstetrics, April 17, 2008 ~


Sunday, September 27, 2009

God Doesn't Make Mistakes


~ Pope Benedict XVI ~


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mary, Mother of the Unborn

It is an encouraging sign to see the prayer initiatives being inspired by the Holy Spirit to help bring about an end to abortion! In addition to the 40 Days for Life Campaign that began September 23, 2009, there are very many groups and individuals throughout the world praying, fasting, offering up sufferings, witnessing and working to help bring an end to the great destroyer of lives, abortion.

The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization has scheduled their second annual WORLDWIDE ROSARY FOR UNBORN BABIES on October 16-17-18 of this year. Cardinal Francis Arinze, Archbishop Raymond Burke, and Mother Assumpta, (Prioress General of the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist), are encouraging participation in this worldwide Rosary. The organization's hope is to offer one million Rosaries during the scheduled three day period asking the Blessed Mother's powerful intercession. A person wishing to participate is asked to pray at least one Rosary during those three days "for an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn human persons." There are other suggestions of ways to help on their website.



Friday, September 25, 2009

The Tragedy of Christi's Choice

When 17-year-old Christi made the choice to have an abortion on her eighteenth birthday, there was obviously going to be one victim of the procedure, her tiny unborn baby. However, there was no way to predict the tragic consequences that her decision would have on her life and that of her parents.



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pray for Abortion Providers

Abortion has claimed countless victims. The obvious victims are the millions of precious unborn babies who are denied the chance to live outside of the womb. Those related to the unborn are also victims, even if they don't realize it. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and cousins--all their lives are affected by the loss of that unborn baby, a life that was meant to enrich their lives in ways known only to God. The whole of humanity is victimized by abortion because God had a plan for the lives of the aborted unborn babies that was meant to benefit the rest of us. What is good for one is good for all because we are all one body in Christ. For the same reason, what is harmful to one is harmful to all. God's plan is always best--Love being Who He is and what motivates all of His decisions. It is humans who interfere with His perfect plan and destroy the life of love, peace and joy that He desires for all of His children.

It is important to pray for abortion providers and for their conversion of heart. They are also victims of the cruel machinations of the prince of darkness and his accomplices in evil who seek the destruction of all of God's children, either before or after birth. None of us are exempt from his wicked plan to deceive all of us who have a chance at eternal happiness in heaven with our Creator. His envy and anger know no bounds as he seeks to destroy the purity of souls and lead them away from God and into the misery of eternal damnation along with him.

Many abortion providers have had a change of heart, thanks be to our merciful God, and have formed the Society of Centurions. They are in need of spiritual support in their journey to reconciliation, forgiveness and healing. According to Dr. Philip Ney in The Centurion's Pathway:

"The factors that changed their opinion on performing abortions, in the following order of frequency were:

evidence of the infant's humanity,

a spiritual experience,

personal distress,

evidence of the mother's distress,

scientific articles,

being accepted as a person,

a personal relationship with a pro-lifer,

pro-life pickets."

Read more about former abortion providers.

One Dramatic Conversion Story


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

40 Days for Life Campaign: Day One

The 40 days for Life Campaign is a blessing and sign of hope for the pro-life faithful. It is definitely a blessing for the babies that have been and will be saved, and a blessing for the hearts that have been and will be converted.

What started only a few years ago with four people in Texas asking God's guidance in an hour of prayer has escalated into an international, ecumenical pro-life movement of tens of thousands of people in 212 cities.

Recognizing that abortion is a result of spiritual warfare waged by the powers of darkness, the weapons used for this pro-life effort are spiritual weapons--peaceful prayer vigil outside abortion centers, fasting, and community outreach in a spirit of love. 40 Days for Life was inspired by the Holy Spirit, has grown by the power of the Holy Spirit, is sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit. It might more appropriately be called a pro-love movement since it is the work of the Spirit of Love, the Holy Spirit.

If your community does not have an official organized 40 Days for Life group, don't let that stop you from participating with prayer, fasting, and peaceful prayer vigil outside your local abortion center. If you are fortunate enough to not have a local abortion center, or are physically unable to go to an abortion center, pray and fast anyway. Somewhere babies' lives will be saved and mothers, fathers, and grandparents will be spared a lifetime of regret. You can make a difference.

If you are pro-life but don't like to get too involved, think of the true story of a woman who was like you until she got a shocking call from an abortion center saying that her daughter had died as a result of an abortion. That woman is now an active pro-life worker, but it is too late to save her daughter and unborn grandchild.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gift of Life and Love

Although she was born with only half of a heart and has needed five open heart surgeries, little Emma Watson was blessed with a courageous birth mother and with loving adoptive parents. Now Emma has had the joy of having her wish to meet the Holy Father fulfilled, a privilege most Catholics will never experience.

Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful little girl, the gift of her life, and Your love that created her, sustains her, and blesses her!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Power of Sacrifice United to the Sacrifice of Jesus

"The rejection of Humanae Vitae was pivotal, and it has a great deal to do with the rise of abortion and all the evils that flow from that evil--the basic decomposition of my beloved country and yours and the whole western world is tied into this...if we're engaged in dour combat with the forces of evil...let's fight like we mean it...but don't wait for the bishops to mandate penance. There is nothing stopping you...Every single one of us has a unique, precious, unrepeatable place on the battle line. Don't fail in the better pray like your children's lives depend on better do penance...unite it to the sacrifice of Jesus...To be lifted up on the Cross in Christ is to be set at the pinnacle of human possibilities...You pray! You do penance!...if you have an illness, offer it up! Don't waste it--it's precious...Unite it to Jesus for the salvation of souls. That's what's going to turn the world around--nothing else."
~ Fr. John Corapi ~

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pope John Paul II Prayer to Mary, the Light of Hope

Immaculate Heart of Mary, help us to conquer the menace of evil,
which so easily takes root in the hearts of the people of today,
and whose immeasurable effects already weigh down upon our modern world
and seem to block the paths toward the future.
From famine and war, deliver us.
From nuclear war, from incalculable self-destruction,
from every kind of war, deliver us.
From sins against human life from its very beginning, deliver us.
From hatred and from the demeaning of the dignity of the children of God, deliver us.
From every kind of injustice in the life of society,
both national and international, deliver us.
From readiness to trample on the commandments of God, deliver us.
From attempts to stifle in human hearts the very truth of God, deliver us.
From the loss of awareness of good and evil, deliver us.
From sins against the Holy Spirit, deliver us.
Accept, O Mother of Christ,
this cry laden with the sufferings of all individual human beings,
laden with the sufferings of whole societies.
Help us with the power of the Holy Spirit conquer all sin:
individual sin and the "sin of the world," sin in all its manifestations.
Let there be revealed once more in the history of the world
the infinite saving power of the redemption: the power of merciful love.
May it put a stop to evil. May it transform consciences.
May your Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of hope. Amen.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blessed Virgin Mary, the Ideal Mother

"Motherhood is too noble to be without an ideal. God, Who became Man, preexisted His Own Mother, as an artist preexists his own painting...She, the Ideal Mother, conceived because she cooperated with the love of God...And she, the Mother, was overshadowed by the Spirit of Love and bore within herself the Guest Who was really the Host of the World. This was the greatest love that the world ever knew--the Love that came down into a Woman and ended in an Incarnation.

"This Mother gave further example to all mothers by caring both for the Body and the Soul of her Son. She cared for His Body, for she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. She cared for His Soul and His Mind, for He was subject to her. What a lesson for children to learn! This Child, Who was subject to His Mother, was also the Creator of the world. Every mother, when she picks up the young life that has been born to her, looks up to the heavens to thank God...But here was a Mother, a Madonna, who did not look up. She looked down to Heaven, because this was Heaven in her arms.

" every mother, she gave her Child a name...He was given the name Jesus, which means Saviour. It was an irreplaceable name, before which the heavens and earth trembled, and before which our knees bow."
~ Excerpts from Life Is Worth Living by Fulton J. Sheen ~

Friday, September 18, 2009

The High Cost of Abortion

"Abortion is profoundly anti-women.

Three quarters of its victims are women:

half the babies and all the mothers."

~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta ~

Join the 40 Days for Life Campaign which will begin Wednesday 9/23/09 in more than 200 locations. If you have never made a public witness on behalf of the unborn, this is a good way to get involved. It is peaceful, prayerful, and effective. Babies' lives are saved, and mothers, fathers, and grandparents are saved a lifetime of regret.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mother of Sorrows

Today Catholics honor Our Blessed Mother under her title of Our Lady of Sorrows. Not only Catholics, but all of humanity owe a great debt of gratitude to her. When she was called to be the Mother of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, her "yes" had eternal repercussions for the benefit of all mankind. Out of love for God, she willingly took on not only the responsibilities of her divine calling, but also all of the sacrifices and sufferings that might be involved. Then from the Cross, Jesus gave his perfect Mother to all of us to be our Mother of Grace. She loves and watches over all her children of the world, even those who are so unfortunate as to not know her and love her.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to you.
You have been so closely associated with the whole work of our redemption,
associated with the Cross of our Savior.
Your Heart was pierced by it, beside His Heart.
And now, in the glory of your Son,
you do not cease to intercede for us, poor sinners.
You watch over the Church and are the Mother of the Church.
You watch over each of your children.
You obtain for us from God all those graces symbolized
by the rays of light emanating from your open hands.
The sole condition on our part is that we come to you
with confidence, with boldness, and with the simplicity of a child.
~ Pope John Paul II ~

Monday, September 14, 2009

Saint Thomas Aquinas Appears in Abortionist Stojan Adasevic's Dreams

When Dr. Stojan Adasevic was a medical student, he learned that he was a survivor of a failed abortion. Despite hearing that shocking news, he went on in his medical career to become expert at the very same procedure that caused his own mother's abortion to fail, thus saving his life. He became a master abortionist, performing twenty to thirty abortions in one day. In his twenty-six year career he estimated that he performed 48,000-62,000 abortions.

A more detailed account of Dr. Adasevic's experiences, that led to his abandoning his career as an abortionist and becoming a pro-life apostle, is here.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Holy Spirit Inspires 12-year-old to Speak Out Against Abortion

Despite controversy and opposition over her choice of topic for a school speech contest, 12 year old Lia did not waver from her determination to speak out against abortion. She is to be commended for her courage in the defense of the unborn. Hearts have been changed and babies' lives saved because of her witness for life!
However, Lia's one statement about a mother having a choice not to have "unprotected sex" is inconsistent with the constant teaching of the Catholic Church against contraception, which is the position that this writer upholds.
Read more about her experience here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dr. Gloria Polo: Warning About Abortion

Dr. Gloria Polo, a wealthy dentist from Columbia, South America, had a near death experience in which she was shown the ways in which she had sinned during her life. After an initial experience of beautiful light at the end of a tunnel and feelings of peace and joy, she found herself running from demons and heading downward in tunnels ending in pitch darkness. The most severe torment in this place of total darkness was the absence of God.
Dr. Polo screamed that she had to be there by mistake because she was a good Catholic. It was revealed to her the many ways she had failed to live a good life according to the Ten Commandments. Her bishop has given permission for her to talk publicly about her experience after our Lord gave her another chance to go back and repeat her story saying:
"You will go back, but you won't repeat this 1000 times. You will repeat it 1000 times 1000. And woe to those who don't change their ways despite having heard you, because they will be judged much more severely...because the worst deafness is that of a man who refuses to hear."
In an interview given more than ten years after her second chance at life, Gloria revealed:
"When we came to the Fifth Commandment, the lord showed me I was a horrible assassin and that I had committed the worst and most abominable in front of His eyes: an abortion. Money empowered me to pay for several abortions because I claimed women had the right to choose when they wanted to become pregnant or not.
"I corrupted minors, that was a horrible sin, compounding abortion. I would tell them not to be innocent. 'Your mothers talk to you about virginity and chastity
because they're outdated. They talk about a 2000 year old Bible but priests have refused to come to terms with the modern world. Your mothers talk about what the Pope says , but the Pope is outdated.'
"Each time the blood of a baby is spilled, it's like a holocaust to Satan. It is a holocaust which hurts and shakes the Lord. In the book of life I saw how our soul is formed the moment the sperm and the egg touch. A beautiful spark is formed, a light beaming from the sun of God the father. As soon as the womb of a mother is impregnated, it lights up with the brightness of that soul. When there is an abortion, that soul screams and moans in pain even if it has no eyes or flesh. When it is being murdered, that cry is heard and heaven shakes and an equally strong cry is heard in hell, but this time of joy. Immediately after that happens, some seals break loose in hell and larvae come out to continue prowling around humankind, keeping it enslaved to the flesh and to all those bad things we see and the worse that will come.
"Because, how many babies are killed on a daily basis? And it is a victory for him. The price of innocent blood releases one more demon each time. I got washed in that blood and my clean soul became absolutely dark. After those abortions, I had no more sense of sinfulness. For me, everything was okay. It was sad to see how all those debts I owed the devil included as well all those babies I had killed myself because I had a copper-T intrauterine device. I painfully saw how many little babies had been created and those suns had burst, with the cry of that baby being torn away from the hands of his father God. No wonder I was always sour and ill-tempered, with a grim face, frustrated with everyone and very depressed. I had become a baby-killing machine!"
Read the interview with Dr. Gloria Polo here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ellie Wiesel: Universal Lessons of the Holocaust

"The promotion of the culture of life
should be the highest priority in our societies...
If the right to life is not defended decisively
as a condition for all other rights of the person,
all other references to human rights remains deceitful and illusory."
~ Pope John Paul II ~
Ellie Wiesel, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, knows from personal experience at Auschwitz about man's inhumanity to a targeted group of human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, who are not considered to be human beings in the eyes of their killers. At Auschwitz, although mothers were given a chance to save their own lives by giving up their children--mothers chose to die with their children. Ellie Wiesel says that the message has been delivered about the holocaust of the Jews, not to solicit sympathy but because they want the world to learn and remember and become a better world. He said it is most tragic that the message has been delivered and nothing has changed. There is still hatred, antisemitism, suicide killers, fanaticism. He said that our role is to become messengers and continue to deliver the message.
"We must not be surprised
when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred.
If a mother can kill her own child,
what is left but for us to kill each other."
~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta ~
The modern day holocaust of abortion has many characteristics similar to the Jewish holocaust: the victims are not considered to be human beings by their killers; the scientific and moral message has been delivered over and over again; the world is still full of prejudice against a staggering number of unborn babies deliberately killed daily throughout the world. The USA death toll alone is 5o million innocent babies since abortion became legal in a nation that prides itself on freedom and justice for ALL!
Why have nations not learned a valuable lesson from the tragedy of the Jewish holocaust? Ellie Wiesel, a man who suffered the holocaust, questions why there is no rage at the magnitude of cruelty and the consequences of hatred--rage against the killers, against those who inspired the killers, toward the indifferent, and those who knew and remained silent.
The same could be said about those who know about the helpless unborn baby humans who are mercilessly killed and do nothing to try and prevent their deaths. At Auschwitz mothers sacrificed their own lives rather than deliver their children up to death. In America, 4000 mothers every day deliver their babies into the hands of those that they pay to dispose of their tiny bodies. Where is the public and persistent outrage? A haunting reminder of inaction in the face of cruel and tragic realities of inhumane treatment of fellow human beings is the true story of a Christian who remembers the cries of Jewish prisoners being transported by train to their deaths.
Don't miss "Ellie Wiesel: Universal Lessons of the Holocaust" here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pope John Paul II Entrusts the Cause of Life to Mary

O Mary, bright dawn of the new world, Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life:
Look down, O Mother,
upon the vast numbers of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed by indifference
or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love to the people of our time.
Obtain for them the grace to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude throughout their lives,
and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely,
in order to build,
together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God,
the Creator and lover of life.

Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae