Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Archbishop Timothy Dolan: Abortion Compared to Slavery
Tragically, in 1973, in Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court also strangely found in the constitution the right to abortion, thus declaring an entire class of human beings— now not African-Americans, but pre-born infants—to be slaves, whose futures, whose destinies, whose very right to life —can be decided by another "master." These fragile, frail babies have no civil rights at all.
But the most pressing life issue today is abortion. If we're wrong on that one, we're just plain wrong.
When our critics—and their name is legion—criticize us for being passionate, stubborn, almost obsessed with protecting the human rights of the baby in the womb, they intend it as an insult. I take it as a compliment.
I'd give anything if I could claim that Catholics in America prior to the Civil War were "passionate, stubborn, almost obsessed" with protecting the human rights of the slave. To claim such would be a fib. But, decades from now, at least our children and grandchildren can look back with pride and gratitude for the conviction of those who courageously defend the life of the pre-born baby.
~ Archbishop Timothy Dolan: excerpts from On the Front Lines for Life ~
Saturday, March 27, 2010
USCCB: Litany for Life to Good St. Joseph
Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us.
Protector of the Mother of God, pray for us.
Faithful spouse, pray for us.
Good worker, pray for us.
Good and gentle man, pray for us.
Man of faith and hope, pray for us.
Man of kindness and charity, pray for us.
Man of love, prayfor us.
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us.
Guardian of the Christ child, pray for us.
Teacher of virtue, pray for us.
Model of patience, pray for us.
Model of kindness, pray for us.
Loving Father, pray for us.
Kind father, pray for us.
Example of holiness, pray for us.
For all unmarried fathers, pray for them.
For all who are afraid, pray for them.
For all tempted to despair, pray for them.
For all tempted by evil, pray for them.
For refugees and orphans, pray for them.
For those condemned to die, pray for them.
For those mortally ill, pray for them.
At the hour of their death, pray for them.
For doctors and nurses, pray for them.
For those who wait for death, pray for them.
For the old and the alone, pray for them.
For truth and justice, pray for them.
For legislators and judges, pray for them.
For our President and Vice-President, pray for them.
For all who work for life, pray for them.
Good Saint Joseph,
your faithful love protected and nourished
the Mother of God and Jesus Christ, her son.
Your fatherly care led to maturity
he through whom all creation began.
Through your intercession,
may God guide and protect all human life
from conception to natural death,
and lead this nation
in the ways of truth and of love.
Pray for us, good Saint Joseph,
that joined with Christ Jesus,
we might give praise to God forever. Amen.
~ From the USCCB. ~
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Abortion Clinic Emergencies: Botched Abortions
The last frame of the video shows the abortionist who injured these women. Aware woman abortionist William Philip Egherman was trained by Martin Haskell, the inventor of partial birth abortion.
The bomb squad vehicle is the one with ramps on the back for their bomb handling robot. Notice the neighborhood school children walking by from their school bus stop within sight of the bomb squad truck as the bomb squad does their job.
The video is overlaid with audio from the actual 911 calls and one message left on our answering machine by one young woman whose abortion at Aware Woman went terribly wrong.
Transcript of an Aware Woman patient:
This young woman is responding to one of many letters sent to Aware Woman patients offering help with problems after an abortion. She did not identify herself but she is obviously hurting both physically and mentally:
"Hi, I had a procedure done there (at Aware Woman abortion clinic) in January and I just think that while you are protesting you should just maybe tell the people what happened to me. I had an abortion in January of this year and two days later . . . they didn't give me an abortion. A baby came out in the toilet and I held it in my hand.
"I tried to get counseling and things like that. You know all the therapist does is just want to dig up things that have happened in your life. She never wants to hit the issue that you want to talk about.
"Well, I'm just calling . . . I mean you can tell the girls that, you know, if this is something they want to do, then don't go there (Aware Woman).
"I tried to seek legal advice and pretty much Aware Woman has covered their butt. You know they are not going to let anything happen to them.
"So, my intentions are only just to tell these girls that they might go in and pay $480.00 and their termination might be what happens. They don't know what might happen 2 or 3 days later. Maybe they may have a chance that nothing would happen to them. Their baby might come out like mine did -- whole. It wasn't torn, it wasn't anything. I was 13 weeks and I held it in my hand. It fit in the palm of my hand.
"I have terrible, terrible problems. I bleed every day. I don't know if I will ever have children again. I am 22 years old.
"Maybe I should have listened to the lady who was trying to talk to me when I went inside. I haven't talked to anyone else about this so it felt good just to have someone listen and not say anything."
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Fr. John Hardon: Pro-Life Responsibility of Catholics
"How well I know so many Catholics, and I mean every syllable, are cowards. Over the years I have been saying that there is no stopping the crime of abortion without the Catholic Church. Until Christianity came into the world with the death of Christ on Calvary abortion was universally, and I mean that adverb literally, was universally practiced and legally approved throughout the whole Roman Empire."
"Our present conference has a thesis. Our thesis may be stated in one declarative sentence. Professed Catholics must become channels of extraordinary grace to the modern world. And they will become channels of grace to others in the measure, I repeat only in the measure, of their own reception of grace through the Holy Eucharist as the sacrament sacrifice of the Mass, as the Communion sacrament of Holy Communion and as the presence sacrament of Christ’s Real Presence now on earth in the Holy Eucharist.
"We are only channels of grace to others in the measure that we are possessed of God’s grace ourselves. Let me repeat in the clearest words in my disposal. I would restate our thesis in two propositions. Proposition #1 There is no stopping abortion without an ocean of grace from Jesus Christ. No way will human means stop abortion.
"#2 The principle source of this grace is the Holy Eucharist."
~ Servant of God Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Protect Yourself Against Involuntary Organ Donation
~ For more information: Life Guardian Foundation ~
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Collin Raye: She's With Me
Eternal Father, thank You for the gift of Hayley's life. The world would have been denied a precious treasure if she'd never been born. Please help all of Your children know and appreciate the value of each child created by You, loved by You, and chosen by You for a particular mission in life. Father, bless this special child and her family!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Euthanasia: Who Decides If Your Life is Worth Living?
In another powerful and articulate address, the young Toronto native explores the devastating consequences Canada would face if it welcomed euthanasia, and implores Canadians to find ways of caring for suffering patients rather than killing them.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Randy Albright's Message in Song: "Child of Mary"
Randy Albright's beautiful song, Child of Mary, is addressed to all of Mary's children--which includes all of humanity. The most perfect Mother of all time--chosen for Jesus Himself--was given to all of God's children by Jesus as he hung dying on the Cross. How blessed we are!
In the second video, Randy tells how he was encouraged to develop his musical talent by his adoptive parents. God bless his biological mother for choosing life for her son! One life affects countless others-all according to God's plan!
Child of Mary, kneel and pray; a lion seeks your soul today.You're the prize he hopes to gain with sinful lies, soil and stain. O run to Mary and you won't be lost; she wants to lead you to the Cross. Through her intercession, you'll find grace in our heavenly Father's embrace. So struggle onward down soldier's path as you endure temptation's wrath; but, no matter what the hour, once you turn to Mary evil has no power over you. So do not stray from her protection; you're still the lion's prime selection. Send him away in frightful flight; kneel and pray in God's grace and light. Child of Mary, kneel and pray.
~ Randy Albright lyrics and music ~